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首页 >2023专题汇总 >In Shandong >鲁味非遗

In Shandong丨淄博烧烤:千年美食再出圈


/ 11/15






  During this spring season, Zibo Barbecue has become a sensation with its irresistible "trio"of the small pancake, barbecue grill, and dipping sauce, attracting numerous food enthusiasts from all over the country."Going to Zibo for barbecue" has become a remarkable event, to the point where even the "barbecue train" is infused with the scent of cumin.

  有网友笑称:上次淄博这么热闹,还是在齐国的时候。事实上,淄博烧烤真有近两千年的历史。 淄博的博山烤肉是鲁中地区传统名吃,约在1905年前,博山“远兴斋”烤肉店店主钱振远,在一次肘子过油时,偶尔发现肘皮爆花后,肉味更加鲜美,这样烤出的肉,皮酥肉嫩,气味幽香,食而不腻,博山烤肉由此誉满山城。淄博烤肉的记载可以追溯到1500年前的《齐民要术》,我国北魏杰出的农业科学家贾思勰,曾撰写了《齐民要术》,书中曾载有淄博市临淄区当地的“炙炖法”,这就是淄博烤肉的来源。

  Internet users jokingly remarked that the last time Zibo was this lively was during the period of the ancient Qi state. In fact, Zibo Barbecue does have a history of nearly two thousand years. Boshan Barbecue, a regional specialty in the central zone of Shandong Province, has a long history of fame. Around 1905, Qian Zhenyuan, the owner of "Yuanxingzhai" barbecue restaurant in Boshan, made the unintentional discovery that the meat tasted even better when the skin of the pork was blistered during oil roasting. The final barbeque has a pleasant aroma and is crispy on the outside and delicate on the inside. Since then, the restaurant has gained wide spread acclaim in the city. The history of Zibo Barbecue can be traced back to the book "Essential Techniques for the Welfare of the People" written by Jia Sixie, an outstanding agricultural scientist of the Northern Wei Dynasty, 1500 years ago. The book features a cooking technique known as "zhidun" from the Linzi district of Zibo City, which is the origin of Zibo Barbecue.


  Today, a table with a small charcoal barbecue stove serves as the heart of Zibo Barbecue. The waiters bring the partially cooked mutton skewers to the table, and then it is up to the customers to finish the cooking process themselves. They place the small skewers on the grill, and once the meat starts to sizzle and release oil with a delightful aroma, then they can wrap the meat with small pancakes and add condiments such as scallions and sauce to suit their personal tastes. This hands-on experience significantly enhances the customers' sense of engagement. An owner of a barbeque restaurant shared his thoughts: “The small grill stands for warmth, the small pancake for inclusivity, and the scallions for hospitality. This is what Zibo is all about!”


  Following the popularity of Zibo barbecue, the city of Zibo launched a series of initiatives to promote tourism, including a barbecue-themed press conference, a Zibo Barbecue Festival, the publication of a barbecue map, the introduction of public transportation dedicated to barbecue, and even a special barbecue train for enthusiasts. Barbecue has become a calling card of the hospitable people of Zibo, attracting numerous visitors,which highly revitalizes the ancient city.










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