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首页 >2023专题汇总 >In Shandong >日历

In Shandong丨泰山皮影戏:一个人,一台戏


/ 04/07






  There is a folksaying in Tai'an City that "If you climb Mount Tai without watching Tai Shan Shadow Puppetry, your trip is not complete, neither will you understand its etiquette normorality." Tai Shan Shadow Puppetry is an important representative of Shandong Shadow Puppetry, and its performance activities had been very frequent since the Ming Dynasty.In 2008, Tai Shan Shadow Puppetry was selected into the second batch of national intangible cultural heritage list.


  Tai Shan Shadow Puppetry has a rich variety of vocal styles, which extensively incorporates other popular folk operas in Tai'an, forming a unique vocal system with versatile characteristics.The figures in Tai Shan Shadow Puppetry draw heavily on local Tai Shan folk paper-cutting and traditional opera faces, exhibiting distinctive regional characteristics.Tai Shan Shadow Puppetry is a typical oral folk art, with no script for performances. Actors rely entirely on memory to perform and improvise. The most famous plays are the "Tai Shan Shigandang" series.


  The performance style of Tai Shan Shadow Puppetry can be broadly divided into two types: one is a collaborative performance with 2-3 persons, including an accompanist and 1-2 puppeteers who handle the puppets and sing; the other is called "Shi Bu Xian" in Chinese,during which the only performer undertakes the whole show. The term "Shi Bu Xian," also known as "Solo Shadow Puppetry," refers to a type of Tai Shan Shadow Puppetry where one performer independently handles every part of the show, including the performance, manipulation of the puppets, accompaniment, singing, and dialogue. The performer takes on multiple roles and requires a profound performing skill.


  In the new era, local government and inheritors also attach great importance to the protection, inheritance, and industrial development of Tai Shan Shadow Puppetry.Related intangible cultural heritage enterprises have broadly developed distinctive craft products and tourism merchandise. Some companies have even started to cross boundaries and integrate cultural and creative industries by collaborating with well-known brands such as Paramount's movie Bumblebee and Tencent's game Honor of Kings.


  According to the inheritors, in the past, the backstage area was not open to public due to the protection of the techniques. However, now people can visit the backstage area at any time to learn and develop an appreciation for the art of shadow puppetry, especially for younger generations.The content creation of Tai Shan Shadow Puppetry also incorporates modern popular language to cater to the tastes of young audiences. In the Tai Shan Shadow Puppetry Theater, network promotion images of the shows can be seen everywhere. Inheritors also use new media forms such as live streaming and short videos to vividly present the art to the audience, enabling traditional culture to enter households through the "cloud."









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