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首页 >2023专题汇总 >In Shandong >日历

In Shandong丨巍峨泰山:是五岳独尊,也是青春之山


/ 12/19






  "There is no price for youth, and Mount Tai is at your feet."This year, Mount Tai proved itself to be worthy of the name of the "top of the Five Sacred Mountains" with its high popularity. The train to Tai'an City was packed with college students who were reluctant to admit defeats.Full of confidence, they planned to conquer Mount Tai at night. With the high mountains and precipitous paths, their fatigue coexisted with the shocking experience after reaching the top. When ancient Mount Tai met youth, it’s full of enthusiasm.


  As the "center role among the mountains, and the must-visit destination among men of letters", Mount Tai attracted countless tourists with its majestic scenery and deep cultural heritage. Mount Tai is located in Tai'an City, central Shandong Province, with its main peak, Jade Emperor Peak, at an altitude of 1,545 meters. Due to its harmoniously integrated history and culture, natural scenery and geological wonders, Mount Tai has special historical, cultural, aesthetic and scientific values. In 1987,it was listed as China's first World Cultural and Natural Heritageby UNESCO.


  The scenery of Mount Tai is famous for its magnificence, the folds of mountains, evergreen pine and boulder, changing clouds and mists, making it bright and beautiful in the majesty, and magical in the quietness. Mount Tai also carries deep historical and cultural connotations and retains a wealth of cultural relics and monuments. It was an important location where the Fengshan Sacrifice rites were conducted by China's ancient emperors to pray for the prosperity of the country and the well-being of the people. In addition, writers and artists have also composed and inscribed poems on the stones here, and there are more than 1,800 stone tablets and inscriptions, and 22 temples in the mountain, which are humanistic masterpieces blending perfectly with the natural landscapes.


  Mount Tai is a symbol of ancient Chinese civilization and faith, as well as a spiritual source of research and creation for Chinese scholars and artists. It embodies the cultural essence of the Chinese people's pursuit of self-improvement, conveying the resilience and composure of the Chinese people, and expressing their aspirations for the prosperity of the nation and the well-being of its citizens.


  In modern society, Ancient Mount Tai shines with new charm. While promoting innovative transformation and development of traditional culture, Mount Tai also incorporates modern elements to enrich its traditional cultural connotation. In addition to introducing the ticket-free policy, which has made climbing Mount Tai a popular activity among young people, Tai'an City has improved its cultural museums and created a theme park centered around Mount Tai. They have also developed a digital version of the Mount Tai stone inscriptions and a series of cultural and tourism activities, providing endless opportunities to experience the beauty of the area. These efforts have given rise to the slogans "Poetry and Faraway places at your fingertips".




  策划:魏鹏 辛然

  (部分素材来源:国家文物局官网、新华社、闪电新闻 )




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