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首页 >2023专题汇总 >In Shandong >日历

What’s On丨遇见china:从中外文化碰撞看山东陶瓷艺术之美


/ 12/28






  China is the same name shared by both a country and ceramics. In overseas, ceramics were originally called “Chinaware”, aka Chinese tiles, and later shortened to “china”. China has a long history of ceramics and is also a major producer. In Chinese history, especially in the history of Sino-foreign cultural exchanges, ceramics played a special role.

  陶瓷是世界通用的艺术语言,随着时代发展和审美需求的提升,陶瓷逐渐摆脱了以实用为目的的束缚,具有自身独特的语言功能和审美标准。在山东美术馆,一场主题为“跨越文化边界的对话”的陶瓷艺术联展正火热开展中。分别来自中国和挪威的两位著名艺术家袁海龙与托比恩·卡瓦斯伯(Torbjørn Kvasbø)的陶瓷艺术作品在同一空间中呈现。瓷板绘画、雕塑等60余件陶瓷作品构思新颖、视角独特,具有强烈的造型张力和视觉冲击力。在来自不同国家、不同创作背景的陶瓷艺术碰撞中,我们看到了不带排斥和偏见、充满尊重和欣赏的文化交流。

  Ceramic is a universal artistic language. As the time develops and the aesthetic needs improves, ceramics are gradually no longer for practical use, they have unique language functions and aesthetic standards. In Shandong Art Museum, a joint exhibition of ceramic art entitled “A Crossing Cultural Boundaries Dialogue”is on display. Ceramic artworks by two famous artists from China and Norway, Yuan Hailong and Torbjørn Kvasbø, are presented in the same space. About 60 ceramic artworks including porcelain plate paintings and sculptures show novel ideas and unique perspectives. The tensile modelling brings magnificent visual impact. In the collision of ceramic art from different countries and creative backgrounds, we have seen cultural exchanges without exclusion and prejudice, but with respect and appreciation.


  As the saying goes, “Your ego is writing checks your body can't cash”, which means “do not take up porcelain work without a diamond cutter”, the “diamond cutter”of Shandong is the “porcelain capital”Zibo with millennium kiln fire. Zibo has a history of porcelain-making for thousands of years. As the representative of “Zibo Ceramics Contemporary National Kiln”, Huaguang Ceramics has been on the world stage on behalf of China for many times and has been collected by Ziguangge, National Museum of China, National Art Museum of China, British Royal Family, etc., showing the world the beauty of Chinese porcelains and the etiquette style of a great country.


  Zibo Ceramics has been on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala,the most eye-catching annual event in China and even the global Chinese community, for three consecutive years. In 2024, the Year of the Dragon, the theme for the Gala is "the soaring of the dragons brings joy to China". The porcelain bowl made by Huaguang Ceramics is decorated with golden reliefs and a soaring dragon in the background of “Chinese red”, depicting China's vigorous development and a flourishing age, and showing the great spirit of Chinese people.


  Porcelains are modeled in fire, and repeatedly polished in life, each of them grows and blossoms a richer cultural connotation, showing the most beautiful posture. The profound ceramic culture and artistic heritage perfectly explain the Chinese people's sense of ritual and their feelings about precious moments in life.










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