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首页 >2023专题汇总 >In Shandong >特别时刻

双语丰收节丨麦香遍田野 鲁农话丰收


/ 09/23






  Two thousand years ago, this time of year was named Autumn Equinox. Four years ago, it took on a new role as the Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival. Hundreds of millions of farmers are now embracing the fifth Harvest Festival. It’s China’s first official festival set up at the national level specially for farmers. The occasion honors not only the harvest season but also the labor of those who work the land.


  From the coast to the interior, Shandong is brimming with the joy of harvest in the golden autumn. On the blue sea, fishermen are raising the sails of their boats, casting their nets, and returning with a full load; near the Yellow River, rice farmers are working hard from dawn to dust hoping for a granary bursting with rice; on the verdant hills, farmers are picking fruits in the midst of the fun. Big smiles are spreading across people’s faces. The bright-colored harvests add radiance and beauty to a colorful Shandong.


  Rushan oysters, Shouguang vegetables, Weixian radishes, Qixia apples, corns, wheats, Yellow River rice, Zhangqiu green onions, Feicheng peaches, Mountain Tai Chinese chestnuts, Boshan kiwi fruits, Laoling golden silk jujube and other landmark agricultural products in Shandong are dizzying to the eyes. They are just so mouth-watering!


  Behind the bumper harvest is the hard work of farmers, not to mention the country's consistent attention to agricultural science and technology and the efforts of generations of researchers. Driverless tractors liberate a large number of farmers from high-intensity works; with Internet of Things being applicated in seedling greenhouses, works including auto-sensing watering, temperature control, etc., can be automatically operated remotely; drones help to spray atomized pesticides and can spray over an acre of land in just one minute. Big data, cloud computing, 5G, Beidou navigation and other agricultural technologies have become an important force driving the high-quality development of modern agriculture.


  The Harvest Festival is a unique one for the broad masses of farmers. Also, it’s a symbol of Chinese agricultural civilization and a window to promote rural revitalization in an all-round way. On this joyous occasion, let’s pay tribute to the hundreds of millions of Chinese farmers! May everyone who works hard can enjoy the joy and sweet of harvest!








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