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友人说 | 相见恨晚!外国留学生穿汉服感受中国式浪漫


/ 05/24






  Hanfu is an outstanding representative of China's ancient dress culture. In recent years, Hanfu is becoming popular, and I have been longing for it. Because Hanfu looks very beautiful, very elegant, and different dynasties of Hanfu show different charms, so join me now, let’s have a look!


  She chose a very gorgeous set of Hanfu in Song dynasty style, there are some decorations, such as Xiapei(official robe)covered with embroidery, which looks magnificent.There area lot of such decorations on it, so it’s suitable for some of the important occasions. In other words, it was a suit of clothes wore by great ladies at that time. They’d wear different clothes in different occasions.


  The craftsmanship of Hanfu is particularly exquisite, with each of its ten parts, including collar, lapel, hem, cuff, pleat, sleeve, cuff opening, sash, and apron, having its unique meaning. Taking the typical "crossed collar" of Hanfu as an example, the two straight lines of the crossed collar intersect at the centerline of the clothing, representing the symmetry of traditional culturewitha unique and upright charm. It represents the concept of being impartial and unbiased. If Hanfu expresses the harmony between man and nature, then the crossed collar represents the earth in the concept of "heaven is round and earth is square," which stands for humanity, that is, squareness and uprightness.


  "This is the first time I've worn Hanfu in my years of living in China, and I feel like a princess in Song Dynasty!"


  The horse-faced skirt is also a key component of Hanfu, named for its resemblance to the defensive building "horse face" on ancient walls. Nearly half of China's horse faced skirts are made from Caoxian County in Shandong province. At present, Caoxian's Hanfu industry has formed a complete industrial chain, and manufacturers are actively using the Internet as a broad platform to open online stores and live streams, aiming to sell performance costumes and hanfu to a larger area via Internet.


  "I had so much fun experiencing Hanfu! There are many styles I haven't tried yet, next time I'll bring my friends with me."









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