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首页 >2023专题汇总 >In Shandong >鲁味非遗

In Shandong丨Weifang Chaotian pot : not literally a pot but a wrap


/ 08/09





  拥有壮美自然景观的山东,钟灵毓秀,美不胜收;拥有“孔孟之乡、礼仪之邦”美誉的山东,历史悠久,文化灿烂;拥有大气鲁菜和精致小吃的山东,热气腾腾,珍馐飘香……《In Shandong》原创英文系列视频,邀请外国友人一起品鉴山东的“颜值”“滋味”和“内涵”,一起走近勤劳聪慧的山东人。

  There’s a business card of delicacies for each city. When it comes to the food in Weifang, people immediately think of "Chaotian pot".


  As a famous traditional snack, it originated in the morning market during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. According to legend, Zheng Banqiao, the then magistrate of Weixian County, saw the peasants at the morning market getting cold meals, so he ordered to set up a cauldron to cook for passersby. Due to the open-air stalls and the uncovered top, it was jokingly called "Chaotian pot".


  As part of Shandong cuisine, Chaotian pot features a burrito rolling with different kinds of stewed pork offals, with no pot required when eating. Unrefrigerated fresh pork head, heart, tripe, intestine, liver and the like are selected, repeatedly cleaned and put into boiling water to remove the boar taint. Transfer the mixture into a pot of broth simmered with old hen and donkey meat with skin in advance. Bring to a boil , then reduce to a simmer and stew the meat till it’s soft and tender, so that flavors of all ingredients combine to a magical richness. In making pancakes, high-quality wheat flour is used to make a batter neither too thin nor too thick. After being baked in a hearth in moderate temperature, pancakes with proper size, thickness and tenderness can be obtained.

  “朝天锅”属鲁菜系,特色是以烙饼卷肉,食用时并不需要锅具。选取未经冷藏的新鲜猪头、猪心、猪肚、猪肠、猪肝等,反复清洗后滚水淖去荤腥。 放入提前用老母鸡、带皮驴肉煨好的清汤中,武火至沸,文火入味,让各种食材在沸腾中相互融合。单饼用料是上等的小麦粉,烙时面糊调和得不稀不稠。炉膛温度适中,出锅的单饼不厚不薄,不糊不焦,大小均等,松软适中。

  When the soup boils and the aroma bursts out, diners would sit around the pot, and the chef would divide the stewed offals on the pancake, add some salt, fold a wrap and hand it to diners. Just one bite, the soft meat will just melt in your mouth. With the unique sesame salt as the finishing touch, the longer you chew, the longer aftertaste will linger. The slices of scallions, salted pickles, green chillis and radishes serve well to counter the grease. The clear hot broth is so delicious, with chopped scallions and corianders in jade green floating on it. It’s not greasy at all, on the contrary, it tastes thick and refreshing. In 2003, the Chaotian pot cooking skills were selected as part of the Shandong provincial intangible cultural heritage.











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