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首页 >2023专题汇总 >In Shandong >特别时刻



/ 09/28






  Gathering the essence of the sun and the moon, Nishan has been an outstanding birthplace of many sages. The Nishan Forum on World Civilizations is named after Nishan, the birthplace of Confucius, who was the great thinker and educator in ancient China. Themed on promoting dialogue among different civilizations, with the aim of promoting excellent Chinese culture as well as cultural exchanges between China and other countries, and building a community with shared future for mankind, the Forum has become an academic, international and open platform of cultural exchanges.


  The first Nishan Forum on World Civilizations was held in September 2010, and has been held for seven sessions so far. The 8th Nishan Forum on World Civilizations is being held in Qufu, Shandong from September 26th to 28th, with the theme of "Diversity of Human Civilization and Shared Values of Mankind". Nearly a thousand experts, scholars and honored guests attended the opening ceremony online and offline.



  At the forum, the guests of the meeting mentioned these golden sentences:

  Wang Yaping, Special-grade Taikonaut of the Taikonaut Corps of PLA: “Exchange and mutual learning is the essential requirement of civilization development, and the inheritance and innovation of world civilization cannot be separated from the participation of young people.”


  Long Yongtu, former Vice Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and former Secretary General of Boao Forum for Asia:“In fulfilling international commitments and abiding by rules, the Confucian honesty spirit of ‘Trust is the coin of the realm’ has played an important role.”


  Zhang Hanhui,Chinese Ambassador to Russia:“Confucius advocated benevolence, harmony, and Great Unity, while Tolstoy advocated fraternity, benevolence, and non-violence. Across the time and space,they echoed each other.”


  More than 50 diplomatic envoys from 33 embassies and consulates in China gathered in Qufu and talked about "The Analects of Confucius" with relish:


  Melissa, Minister Counselor, Embassy of Jamaica in China:“Confucius once said: A superior man is modest in his words but exceeds in his actions. In Jamaica we say: Action speaks louder than words, and it corresponds to what Confucius says in terms of ‘the importance of doing and understanding’.”


  Antonio, Education Counselor of the Mozambican Embassy in China:“In getting along with others in society, Confucius also gave us a lot of inspiration, such as how to behave in society, such as mutual respect.”


  An Fei, Minister and Deputy Head of the Embassy of the Federated States of Micronesia in China:“One sentence is not enough to sum up Confucius. He’s definitely a major character in Chinese history. But not only that, globally yes! Because his teaching and philosophyis still applicable today.”


  Statistics show that by the end of 2019, there were 540 Confucius Institutes and 1,154 Confucius Classrooms around the world, covering 162 countries and regions around the world. This is a powerful testimony to the deep integration of Qilu culture and world civilization. This theme also embodies the excellent traditional Chinese cultural concept of "One World, One Family".








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