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  China, Japan, ROK adopt co-op strategy  




South Korea's President Roh Moo-hyun (L), Japan's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi (C) and China's Premier Wen Jiabao lock hands for a photo before holding a trilateral meeting.

Trilateral leaders' 
 meeting of China, Japan and South Korea was held at the 10th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit in Vientiane on November 29, 2004. (Xinhua Photo)
Trilateral leaders' meeting of China, Japan and South Korea was held at the 10th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit in Vientiane on November 29, 2004. (Xinhua Photo)

    VIENTIANE, Nov. 29 (Xinhuanet) -- Leaders of China, Japan and South Korea adopted an action strategy on trilateral cooperation following a meeting here Monday.

    The meeting, which took place on the sidelines of the 10th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit, was attended by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro and South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun.

    The Action Strategy on Trilateral Cooperation said economic interdependence among the three countries has risen to "an unprecedented level which provides a solid foundation for further cooperation among them."

    The trilateral cooperation will serve as "an effective framework to achieve economies of scale in a variety of fields," it said.

    The three countries will further cooperation in education, science and technology, environmental protection, trade and investment, the document said.

    "They (the three countries) will promote close consultations and cooperation for the peaceful denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula through the six-party talks, while addressing the nuclear issue and related concerns of the parties and working together to maintain peace and stability on the peninsula," it said.

    "They will further strengthen close coordination to expeditiously achieve substantive progress at the six-party talks."

    Addressing the meeting, Chinese Premier Wen said trilateral cooperation has been increased with common development promoted and the basis for shared interests expanded since such meeting first took place in 1999.

    The process has made a "positive contribution" to the stabilityand development in the Northeast Asia, Wen told the meeting.

    He stressed the three countries should make greater efforts to consolidate the foundation, expand its scope, and give more substance to the trilateral cooperation.

    For such purpose, Wen said, the three sides need to agree on three basic viewpoints:

    -- A concept of responsibility for the Northeast Asia: The trilateral cooperation should not only promote the stability and development in the region, but work with ASEAN to achieve a long-term goal for cooperation in East Asia.

    -- A way for win-win cooperation: The cooperation should be based on seeking common interests while reserving differences to enhance understanding, cooperation and common development.

    -- A proper sequence based on respective advantage: Priorities for cooperation should be given to the important sectors in sequence, first to the convenient ones and gradually expand to other fields.

    Wen suggested that the three countries increase trade and economic cooperation to move toward economic integration.

    The Chinese premier also urged promotion of social and culturalexchanges and strengthening of policy dialogues between the three neighbors

    "Regional cooperation has been a global trend, and cooperation in Asia, especially in East Asia, is in an important phase of development," Wen said.

    Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi, who chaired the meeting, said the trilateral meeting has witnessed good results in promoting thecooperation in economy and other areas although the mechanism of the meeting is still young.

    Japan expects the three countries to enhance investment, construction of the free trade area, culture and personnel exchanges, so as to achieve a win-win deal, he said.

    South Korean President Roh hailed the cooperation of the three countries in all fields.

    He said the three nations have increased their economic interdependence and South Korea hopes to further cooperation with China and Japan on security of energy resources, science as well as trade and economy.

    The three leaders also exchanged views on the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsular.

    Wen said continuing the six-party talks, as common aspiration of the international community, serves the interests of all parties.

    China will continue to promote peaceful talks and will work with the international community to resume a new round of the six-party talks at an early date, he said.

    Both Koizumi and Roh expressed appreciation for Chinese efforts in pushing forward the peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue onthe Korean Peninsular and hoped the six-party talks would move on.

    So far, three rounds of the six-party talks, which involve the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, South Korea, China, Japan, the United States and Russia, have been held in Beijing, but the fourth round scheduled before the end of September failed to take place.


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