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/ 08/11






  As the Olympic flame burns in the sky, every athlete not only writes their own glorious chapter in Paris with sweat and strength but also leaves countless memorable quotes that touch people's hearts. They are not just words but the preludes to legends, the footnotes to glory, reflecting humanity's eternal pursuit of excellence.

  “我们是冠军!不满意的应该是别人!” ——中国男子4X100米混合泳接力队,以绝对实力夺冠,覃海洋却对自己的表现精益求精,队友潘展乐送出了霸气的安慰和鼓励。

  "We are the champions! Dissatisfaction should be someone else's concern!" —With absolute strength, the Chinese men's 4x100m medley relay team won the championship. Qin Haiyang was still striving for perfection in his performance, and his teammate Pan Zhanle gave him comfort and encouragement.

  “‘Queen Wen’这个词——我,实至名归!” ——网球女单金牌得主郑钦文,以王者之姿回应外界赞誉,她的胜利,正如她的绰号一样,诠释了奥运赛场上的女王风范。

  "The name 'Queen Wen' — I truly deserve it!" — Zheng Qinwen, the gold medalist in women's singles tennis, responded to the praise with the demeanor of a queen. Her victory, just like her nickname, interpreted the queen's style on the court.

  “跟他(杜普兰蒂斯)生在一个时代挺荣幸的,也是一种悲哀。” ——获得第七名的撑竿跳高选手黄博凯的感慨,既是对同代强者致敬,也映射出竞技体育的残酷与魅力,个人突破与集体荣誉并存。

  "It's an honor and also a sorrow to share the same era with him (Armand Duplantis)." — The sentiment of Huang Bokai, the pole vaulter who ranked seventh, was both a tribute to the best of his generation and reflected the cruelty and beauty of competitive sports, where personal breakthroughs and collective honors coexisted.

  “中国有一句古话叫‘射以观德’。” ——李越宏在夺得男子25米手枪速射金牌后,以儒学观点阐述射击运动中的哲学,强调内在修为与外在技巧的和谐统一。

  "There is an ancient Chinese saying, ‘One can observe a person's character through the art of archery.'" — After winning the gold medal in the men's 25m rapid fire pistol, Li Yuehong explained the philosophy in shooting sports from a Confucian perspective, emphasizing the harmonious unity of inner cultivation and external skills.

  “我们有个队员是近视眼……所以他爬得稳。” ——中国攀岩队速度组主教练钟齐鑫的幽默解读,展现运动员独特的优势与专注力,视力不足却成就稳定发挥的佳话。

  "We have a team member who is short-sighted……so he climbs steadily." — The humorous interpretation of Zhong Qixin, the head coach of the Chinese climbing team's speed group, showed the unique advantages and focus of athletes, where myopia led to stable performance.

  “可能是因为赢下比赛,拿到奖牌,感觉不到疼了。” ——冯紫琪在摔跤女子自由式50公斤级铜牌战中眼角受伤出血,竟浑然不觉,胜利化作治愈创伤的力量。

  "Perhaps because I won the match and got a medal, I can't feel the pain anymore." —Feng Ziqi, in the women's freestyle wrestling 50kg bronze medal match, was injured and bleeding at the corner of her eye, but she didn't notice it at all. Victory turned into the power to heal the wound.

  “风有别的计划。” ——获得巴黎奥运会射箭混合团体银牌的德国箭手翁鲁认为,他的搭档射出的箭本该飞向正确的方向,但是风“捣乱”了。

  "The wind had other plans." — Weng Lu, the German archer who won the silver medal in the Paris Olympic archery mixed team, believed that the arrow shot by his partner should have flown in the right direction, but the wind "made trouble".

  “我觉得埃菲尔铁塔和科帕卡巴纳海滩打了个平手。” ——沙滩排球项目被安排在了埃菲尔铁塔下举行,而巴西的科帕卡巴纳海滩被称为“世界上最有名的海滩”。在问及风景比较时,巴西沙排选手爱德华达·桑托斯·利斯博阿的巧妙回答,体现了运动员对不同文化的尊重与欣赏。

  "I think the Eiffel Tower and Copacabana Beach tied." — The beach volleyball event was held under the Eiffel Tower, and Brazil's Copacabana Beach is known as "the most famous beach in the world." When asked about the scenery comparison, the clever answer of the Brazilian beach volleyball player Eduardo Santos Lisboa reflected the athlete's respect and appreciation for different cultures.

  “对我们国家来说,奖牌没有颜色。” ——获得男子竞走20公里银牌的巴西选手卡约·邦芬坦诚,强调了奥运精神的本质,每一枚奖牌都是运动员努力的见证,不分颜色。

  "For our country, there is no distinction of color among medals." — Caio Bonfim, the Brazilian athlete who won the silver medal in the men's 20km racewalking, frankly emphasized the essence of the Olympic spirit. Every medal is a testament to the athlete's efforts, regardless of color.


  Behind each golden sentence is a story, an attitude. The Paris Olympics not only witnessed the extreme challenges of sports competition but also showed the infinite brilliance of the human spirit, inspiring future generations to continue to pursue excellence and write their own Olympic legends.

  (来源:新华网 上观新闻)






