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  Weifang-Industrial brands and agricultural brands grow simultaneously  



The activities in Shandong of Brand Promotion initiated by Ministry of Commerce opened in Weifang June 15 with local government officials, the promotion members and represents from local enterprises participating the opening ceremony.

The promotion members arrived at Weifang the night before after a 9-hour journey by car. Shandong Province is the second leg of the tour.

Li Shiying, Director of the Provincial General Office and Zhao Xingtao, Director General of the city of Weifang addressed to the ceremony.

Shandong now produces 2 world famous brands of products - Haier refrigerator and Haier washing machine.

On the opening ceremony, representatives from Shandong's famous enterprises briefed to the press about their road to build private brands.

Xinlang Sinoer, a national famous dress maker has been making full strength to do what other enterprises cant' expect to do, what others can expect but fail to do and what others struggle to do but fail to do it well, Sinoer told to the press. Sinoer is famous for its service of life-long free dry washing for customers.

Weichai, Shandong's mechanical power maker is the barometer of Shandong's manufacture industry, according to Economic Daily. Now the power maker has been acknowledged as the top mechanical power maker nationwide and it is marching towards the international market. On the question of brand development, Weichai has been practicing with the principal of quality as the basic, innovation as the impetus, enterprises culture as the guarantee and service as the aim.

A view of Weichai Power Co. Ltd. [Chinadaily.com.cn]

In addition to the characteristic brands from industry, Shandong also produces agricultural famous brands, which attributes wealthy rural counties. Shouguang is one of them.

Shouguang is the symbol of green vegetables and the whole city is enveloped in an atmosphere of vegetable culture. Now the city has established a mature vegetable industry from the 17 vegetable greenhouses 17 years ago and Shouguang has heaved a nationwide wave of green vegetable.

A huge pumpkin in the vegetable greenhouse in Shouguang of Shandong. [Chinadaily.com.cn]

Wang Leyi, village head of San Yuanzhu Village of Shouguang and the leader of the city's green vegetable industry led the local people develop one fabulous strain of vegetable after another, such as water melons growing on trees and cucumbers growing underwater.

Now Shouguang sells vegetables to more than 20 provinces, cities and autonomous regions nationwide with an annual trade volume of 1.5 billion kilograms and trade value of 2.8 billion yuan.

Moreover, Shouguang has hosted vegetable science and technology expo annually since 2000 with an increasing expo scale and rising value of investment and trade on expos.


Last:Qingdao - a beautiful coastal city of brands
Next:Japanese measures hit farmers



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